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pink and white infographic titled "Pregnancy and Stress" with Black woman looking out of window and additional text

Sometimes it feels like Black women carry the weight of the world on our shoulders

Black women are often the problem-solvers, educators, nurturers, and primary sources of income in their families- they are the key pillars of support for extended families. Balancing many roles is stressful, and Black women may also experience chronic stress from their early childhood.

Signs of negative stress:

  • You feel overwhelmed and worried rather than positive

  • You feel anxious or feel bad

  • You have physical symptoms that make it difficult to feel comfortable or well-rested

During pregnancy, new triggers can make you feel more worried. These things may include:

  • Physical discomforts of pregnancy

  • Hormonal changes that can lead to sudden changes in your mood and feelings

  • Negative experiences in healthcare

  • Finances and other responsibilities

  • Previous birth outcomes and past traumatic events

Learn more about managing stress during pregnancy here

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